
Hear what our clients and sponsors have to say

The sweet science programme has brought focus and purpose to a lot of our students, especially those with difficult home lives.

Mrs Braiden

Pastoral manager, Pinner High School

In a short time we have already seen improvement in the children’s self-esteem and there has been a reduction in behavior incidents in most of the participants, overall, this intervention has been brilliant for all of the students that have taken part.

Mrs Bloomfield

Assistant Head Teacher, Welldon Park Academy

Hi coach, I’ve just started training for my new job as a support worker for kids in care and I wanted to say that despite me having moved on from being at school I stil view you as my main role model and one of the reasons why I am the person I am today.  You really have taught me so so much in the years that I’ve known you. I will always appreciate you and the work you have done.

Harmoni B

Two of the students in particular have managed to self-assess and have had conversations with staff about wanting to change their “rep”, not wanting to be the “naughty” person in class, which is extremely positive.
Behavioral Mentor

Deputy DSL, Hatch End High School

I can already see the impact on our students, removing themselves from situations that may get them into trouble, controlling their anger and being able to see the bigger picture.

Mrs Braiden

Pastoral Support Manager, Pinner High School

The mentoring You provide is helping the students and I am starting to see the benefits of this.
The work you are doing is invaluable.
Mrs Harraway

Cove School

As a parent of a child with severe ADHD and mild ASD, I have immediately seen the benefits of my son working with Sweet Science.

A Parent

The children really like the session and were very enthusiastic when they came back, it was lovely to see our children benefit so much instantly from just one session.

Deputy Head

Whitefriars School

The coach had a chat with one of our girls which then prevented her getting into an altercation with another girl, she told us it was because of the advice she had received that she was able to walk away.

Mrs Braiden

Pastoral Support Manager, Pinner High School

Mark Smith A.K.A. Rhino

Alex Mills

Some of the students have asked how they may be able to change how teachers view them and what to do when they know it is going wrong in a lesson, which is extremely positive.

Behavioral Mentor

Deputy DSL, Hatch End High School

Before we booked the sweet science sessions, coach Leroy volunteered to come in and meet the students, he spoke to students individually and in groups, at the end of lunch. One student turned around me and said ” miss we need that man” A very interesting statement after just an hour. 

Mrs Burns

Assistant Head Teacher Pastoral Development, Maiden Erleigh High School

The students are willing to attend the sessions and were waiting for the second one which is always a good sign.

Behavioral Mentor

Hatch End High School

We have some lively characters who staff find difficult to control in the classroom, so it was amazing to see them so quiet and engaged and showing how respectful they can be. 

Miss Braiden

Pastoral Support Manager, Pinner High School

The sessions support children with their attention and listening skills as well, as it’s important to for them to listen to instructions and keep their hands up when it is their turn. 

Mrs Bloomfield

Assistant Head Teacher, Welldon Park Academy

The sweet science program included a contract. The contract included catching up on classwork and homework as well as behavior conduct and manners. This has worked as an excellent carrot with improvements already visible.
Mrs Burns

Assistant Head Teacher, Pastoral Development, Behavior and Well-Being, Maiden Erleigh High School

Billy Schwer

Travis J & KG

Halfway through the programme we have already seen the value in Leroy’s mentoring. The team around each child has been grateful for Leroy’s insights which are strength-based and help us to collectively explore the best next steps for each child. In a dream world we would have a Leroy for every child, as we cant imagine a young person who wouldn’t benefit from his approach.

Nicola Kelly

Virtual School Lead Practitioner, Hillingdon Virtual School